All holidays that were added at the same time will have the same created date. Use this method if you have duplicate holidays to delete from the calendar. Select the Locations you want to install and complete the wizard. Go to File, Options, Calendar and click Add Holidays.Select the Holiday category then press Delete.Collapse the Groups to make it easier to find the category.Switch to a List view then arrange by Category.This works especially well if you have duplicate holidays to delete. You can delete all holidays then add back the holidays you need. Go to View tab, click Expand/Collapse menu and choose Collapse All Groups.ĭelete all events in the Holiday category.If you want to delete some locations but not all holidays, group by the Location field. If you want to delete all holidays, group by the Holiday field. Right-click on a field and choose Group by This Field.You can use the Search field to find holidays. If you added more than one set of holidays, you can group by location, then select the location group header and delete.

You can remove the holidays, or duplicates, using one of these methods: delete all events in the Holiday category then re-add the holidays you want added, use Instant Search to find all events with 'holiday' in the subject and group by location then delete, or to delete just the duplicates, use the Created date field to sort by date added and delete the events which have same created date.