traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun – turn your sim into a ghost that died by the sun (works on vampires and normal sims).traits.equip_trait TrueMaster – vampires excel at mind control and have more vampire energy.traits.equip_trait TheMaster – command powers used on vampire offspring always succeed.traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanity – vampires will seem friendlier towards others.t_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10 – max out pipe organ skill.t_skill_level VampireLore 15 – max out vampire lore skill.stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 – cap vampire power points and two power points.stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486 – grand master vampire.stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058 – master vampire.stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630 – prime vampire.stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202 – minor vampire.Use the following codes to instantly rank up. You can earn experience points to rank up and earn new powers. When you become a vampire, you instantly start out as a fledgling. traits.Remove_Trait Trait_OccultVampire – immediately remove vampirism.stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 – turn into a vampire immediately on use.

stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 2100 – turn into a vampire 1-hour.stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 1441 – turn into a vampire in 12 hours.stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 721 – turn into a vampire in 24 hours.stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 1 – turn into a vampire in 36 hours.occupy allowance this image for your beloved friends, families, society via your social media such as facebook, google plus, twitter, pinterest, or any further bookmarking sites.į is an open platform for users to share their favorite wallpapers, By downloading this wallpaper, you agree to our Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy.Turn your Sim into a vampire (or revert vampirism) Dont you come here to know some new unique pot de fleurs pas cher idea? We in fact wish you can easily take it as one of your suggestion and many thanks for your grow old for surfing our webpage. We try to introduced in this posting before this may be one of wonderful insinuation for any Sims 4 Plasma Packs options. We bow to this nice of Sims 4 Plasma Packs graphic could possibly be the most trending subject taking into account we part it in google improvement or facebook. Its submitted by dispensation in the best field. Here are a number of highest rated Sims 4 Plasma Packs pictures upon internet.