
Save addresses in word
Save addresses in word

save addresses in word save addresses in word

Subject = "CGF ARM - ALERT ADD/DROP/CHANGE" Set EmailItem = OL.CreateItem(olMailItem) Set OL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") StrFilename = strTagNum & "_" & strNTID & "_" & Format(strDate, "ddmmyyyy") & ".docx"

save addresses in word

StrDate = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("Date")(1).Range.Text StrNTID = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("NTID")(1).Range.Text StrTagNum = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("TagNum")(1).Range.Text Multiple people will open a document from the template Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()ĭim strTagNum As String, strNTID As String, strDate As String Email the form to pre-set email addresses. Gather information from fields in the document, name the document, and saveAs.Ģ. I have a simple form (from a template) in Word 2013 and have a 'Submit' button that will:ġ.

Save addresses in word