
Recycle app pool powershell
Recycle app pool powershell

recycle app pool powershell recycle app pool powershell

Get the list of application which is belonged to an Application Poolįunction ConvertFrom-ItemXPath($itemXpath) Get-WebItemState iis:\apppools\defaultapppoolġ1. Get the current status of Application Pool Restart-WebItem IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPoolġ0. Stop-WebItem IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool Start-WebItem IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool Rename-Item iis:\apppools\defaultapppool newAppPoolNameĨ. NOTE: New-AppPool cannot use full path name such as “iis:\appPools\demoAppPool” like other user-friendly-named cmdletsħ. Or, you can use other task-based cmdlet(s) instead: $file.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules($true, $true, )ĥ. $dacl.ModifyAccessRule("Add", $newRule, $modified) $newRule = New-Object Administrator, Modify, Deny $file = $(get-item "iis:\sites\Default Web Site\iisstart.htm ") Set "Deny" for administrator user account for 'iisstart.htm' file and grant access permission for NTAccount Create File and set file content programmaticallyĤ. $path = $(get-item 'iis:\sites\default web site\iisstart.htm').directoryNameģ. Open Explorer window for Default Web Site's home directory using "DirectoryName" property $path = ::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($path)Ģ. $path = $(get-item 'iis:\sites\default web site').physicalPath Open Explorer window for Default Web Site's home directory

Recycle app pool powershell