shows prometheus value for probe_http_status_code for each host. note: speedtest will take a while before it shows as UP as it takes ~30s to respond. shows status of monitored targets as seen from prometheus - in this case which hosts being pinged and speedtest. Note: replace localhost with your docker host ip/name if not running this locally. If all works it should be available at - if no data shows up try change the timeduration to something smaller. The DataSource and Dashboard for Grafana are automatically provisioned. Password - wonka (Password is stored in the config.monitoring env file) The Grafana Dashboard is now accessible via: for example username - admin docker-compose builds the entire Grafana and Prometheus stack automagically. It removes many unknowns of Internet problems by showing what your connection is doing at all times and with facts, proof, even alerts.That's it. Our free community level can help anyone suffering from Internet disconnections, outages, and low bandwidth. Are others in your area experiencing Internet problems today? If neighbors use the service too, you’ll never again wonder if you are the only one experiencing the problems in your neighborhood. Maybe you are experiencing WiFi outages but how do you know for sure? How often have you found yourself asking “are there any Internet outages near me?” but cannot confirm local problems because outage sites report only large outages. How do you know if you are experiencing an Internet issue today or if the service you’re trying to reach is down? As a gamer, do you know if steam is down or if your provider is experiencing problems? Is Facebook down? Or is Instagram down? Maybe you click to watch a video only to wonder “is YouTube down or is my ISP having an issue?”.

End mystery Internet and network connection problems Is the Internet down? Or is it my network connection?